Clean Out Your Computer Day

Observed on the second Monday in February, National Clean Out Your Computer Day is a day to take some time out of your busy schedule to do needed care on your computers.

Over time, files and programs that are unused on your PC clog the memory and cause confusion during retrieval and use of other data. They may also slow down your computer.  The second Monday in February, Clean Out Your Computer Day, is the day to spend time with your computer!


Take a look at your files and programs on your computers:

  • Organize your files and folders.
  • Delete junk files.
  • Delete duplicate files.
  • Delete old files and programs not being used.

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  1. Break it off with your EXEs

    Your update installation .EXEs files, that is. Use the disk utility tool for Macs or disk cleanup for Windows to see what’s taking up space on your hard drive then easily delete junk from your downloads folder, temporary internet files, and old programs you don’t use.

  2. Back, back, back it up

    Hopefully you don’t wait for National Clean Out Your Computer Day to backup your data. Whether you make a copy of your data on an external hard drive or in the cloud, today’s an especially good day to preserve your computer’s information.

  3. Vaccinate against malware

    Not only should you do a full scan with your antivirus software, but you should also clear out any suspicious messages in your inbox. Set up filters to catch spam messages more effectively – viruses love email.


  1. It keeps us organized

    Be honest: do you save everything to your desktop or downloads folder? National Clean Out Your Computer Day is the time to get those random documents into folders by subject, making everything easier to find and saving you precious time.

  2. It makes our computers faster

    Deleting unnecessary files, uninstalling unused applications, and managing the applications that run on start-up are just a couple techniques that will make your computer run like a cheetah again.

  3. It saves us from getting hacked

    You should have an antivirus program running at all times, but a full system scan in honor of National Clean Out Your Computer Day is the best way to double check for anything that’s slipped through.

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