6 edu-tech trends for the classroom of tomorrow

6 edu-tech trends for the classroom of tomorrow

Technology and digital innovation are changing the educational environment and the way students learn.

This rapidly evolving landscape is accelerating digital transformation for teachers, schools and administrators alike, with the promise that technology will help students succeed. Here we look at some of the trends – including artificial intelligence (AI), gamification and coding – that are set to impact the education sector today and in the years to come.

These six technologies will change the way education is delivered, with wide-ranging implications for the classroom, and workplace, of tomorrow.

1. Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is being integrated into all spheres of life as machine learning becomes more sophisticated. Artificial intelligence technologies in education (AIEd) have the same potential. Increasingly, AIEd will be able to help teachers with routine tasks like marking, grading and assessing students’ online work. Chatbots can already take care of basic communication with students, for example by answering common questions, which leaves staff to focus on more pressing tasks.

2. Cloud-based technology

Cloud-based technology is already well integrated in the classroom, but expect it to expand as cloud computing enables more dynamic content to be delivered more efficiently. There are also practical advantages, as unlike conventional textbooks, digital resources can be updated in real-time at minimal cost. It also allows group-based learning to occur with no limit on location or socioeconomic status.

3. Virtual and augmented reality

Expect to see more virtual, augmented and even mixed reality in the classroom moving forward. Why? Immersive experiential technologies like Microsoft HoloLens, Google Expeditions and Windows Mixed Reality Viewer are becoming more affordable and accessible tools in schools. All three technologies can help make learning more engaging and fun, with students able to learn in a completely new way.

4. Gamification

Gamification and game-based learning are buzzwords in education, and for good reason. They are an effective way to help students work towards a goal and engage with concepts by keeping them stimulated and motivated. Gamification involves applying some elements of games, simulations and role playing to learning, encouraging interaction and active problem-solving. It can also involve the use of actual games to enhance a learning experience, as the popular virtual world of Minecraft does for its players.

5. Coding the future

Coding – otherwise known as programming or developing – has been hailed as the ‘new literacy’ as it is seen as critical in this digital era. The jobs of the future, particularly in information sciences and technology, all require coding skills. Expect to see more coding in schools as it helps children visualize abstract concepts and apply them to real-world situations.

6. Collaborative classrooms

Online platforms that help facilitate collaboration in the classroom will become more prevalent and widespread. These include tools such as Google Classroom and Microsoft OneDrive, which will enable educators to be more flexible in delivering content to students.

Classrooms will also be redesigned to facilitate these integrated technologies as educators move to create more informal, collaborative-friendly spaces to encourage student learning.

Administrators, educators and teachers need to be prepared to harness these new technologies so students can be ready for the workplace of the future.
