QR Codes & Product Sites
The “tech factor” has arrived in the EFTW. Quickly find QR codes and devices with url addresses to UI product microsites .
How does it work?
Use your smart phones to scan QR codes or enter a url into a web browser and are instantly whisked away to a web page that showcases product benefits, or to a video that highlights product use and assembly. Many of our sites have been designed to help you deceide which additional products you need for your company or understand the full product lines. Larger and special orders are just a click or call away!
>online ui product brochures & videos
New Intro Pages
“Everything that Surrounds You”
Leads the catalog by highlighting your favorite brands and illustrating the depth of products in the catalog. You can get a taste of the vast assortment United Imaging holds in order to fully stock and furnish every area of your business!
“Smart New Product”
Smart New Product Pages allows you to learn about new and innovative products enabling you to work smarter, not harder!
New and Updated Buying Guides
Look for new and refreshed buying guides in many sections of the catalog, including: Chairmats, Label Makers, Laminators and Shredders. Our buying guides help you compare products and make satisfying purchases, plus they support you as the “go to” source for product information.
Furniture Section
Comparison and Cross-Selling Spreads. We’ve upped the “wow” factor in the furniture section! Find special two-page spreads which help you to make decisions about file cabinets and office suites. These spreads help you shop for complementary accessories.
New Chairs Buying Guide
It’s now an attractive two-page spread which gives a quick glance of chair assortment offered in the section. The newly-refined 13 chair feature icons and definitions make it easier to compare seating functions. Not to mention how much easier buying will be, with our easy to read definitions!
Printing Supplies Section with Easier to Navigate Charts
Compare Apples to Apples
We’ve improved the product organization in many catalog sections. Now it’s easier for consumers to compare apples to apples. Among them are Chairmats, Label Makers, Laminators, and Shredders.
> Footers with larger icons
> New symbols to indicate “Special Product Features”
Index Updates
Improved, More Efficient Alpha Index. Our alpha index is still a combination of manufacturer, brand and product type entries, but we have condensed the number of entries to make lookups quicker and easier. Find that we’ve aligned the index better with the catalog page headers and subheads. They will see entries under classifications such as: Arts and Crafts Supplies, Audio Visual Equipment, Binders and Binding Systems, Computer Accessories, Envelopes, Mailers and Shipping Supplies, Facility Maintenance, Money Handling, etc. New Manufacturer Website Index. To correspond with the QR codes and microsites we’ve sprinkled throughout the catalog, you find a listing, by manufacturer and brand names, of the website addresses that appear in the catalog.