Helps you reduce costs, maintain control, and better manage your printers and MFPs.
Looking for a way to simplify and secure your printing environment, while saving money at the same time? Well, OKI has the answer and it’s easier than ever.
PaperCut MF is an easy-to-use, cost effective print accounting and management software designed to help organizations save money by preventing excess and unauthorized printing, copying, scanning and faxing. Its unique design allows it to scale easily making it suitable for sites of all sizes regardless of network environment, platform, or type of print device.
With PaperCut MF, you can say goodbye to the stacks of unclaimed papers on your printers and copiers. You can also ensure confidential printed documents don’t fall into the wrong hands. This simple solution offers the perfect combination of control and affordability.
PaperCut MF is compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux and Novell networks, and can also be embedded into Toshiba’s eStudio.

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About UI Furniture Solutions
Our range of furniture includes desks & workstations, offices to go, carts & stands, panel systems & components, chairs & sofas, room accessories, tables, cabinets, racks & shelves and much more. Is your business remodeling, moving or looking for our contract furniture division? Visit United Interiors for more information about our Contract…

About UI Supporting Communities
Helping Improve the Quality of Life United Imaging’s focus is You. Our customers and our communities are important to us. As a responsible corporate citizen, United Imaging and United Interiors supports many worthwhile charities, civic groups, and non-profit organizations in communities. Our employees are personally active in civic organizations, and donate…