Digital Signage in the Manufacturing & Logistics Industry

Learn about our timesaving functions that aid in the fulfillment process, manage employee records and even automate invoice processing.

According to THE HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, employees who feel informed about current business initiatives and activities make for better and more loyal workers.  More than ONE-THIRD OF US EMPLOYEES don’t understand why changes are happening in their company, which leads to a decrease in employee engagement.

People perform better when they know their work is valued and their efforts contribute to the overall success of the organization. From a management perspective, sharing information is a key part of establishing buy-in with your team, however it isn’t always easy. THREE OUT OF FOUR EMPLOYEES are non-desk workers, and in manufacturing or logistics organizations, many employees do not have regular access to computers. This makes real-time communications an even greater challenge.  However, implementing a digital signage solution can help bridge this gap.

Toshiba digital signage can be used across your facility to keep your non-desk employees on task and informed (85% OF THESE WORKERS feel the communication they receive on the job isn’t enough). On the warehouse floor, digital signage can be integrated with any number of back end systems to provide real-time information such as order status, daily quota information, supply chain updates, shipping and receiving data, as well as longer term cumulative information and performance analytics.

In high-traffic common areas, such as entrances and break rooms, digital signage can deliver important business updates, HR communications, training classes, employee recognition, and even display approved social media feeds.

Not keeping all employees informed can end up costing a company a lot of money. In addition to the lack of engagement leading to lower productivity, the inability to relay new compliance regulations to staff can cost on average around $14.82 MILLION ANNUALLY.

Thankfully, digital signage solutions are easier than ever to implement, and modern content management systems make it simple to upload and publish your content to any location across your organization.  So, if you are wondering how digital signage can impact your team, we’re here to help you get started. From site surveys, to installation, to content development, our team can help keep your non-desk workforce stay productive and keep them informed about important company initiatives.

If you are interested in learning more about Toshiba digital signage solutions, please CONTACT US.


UI’s digital signage can be used throughout the manufacturing process to distribute focused or company-wide communications, send out real-time alerts or announcements, or even provide visually intuitive directions on the assembly line.

Document Solutions for MANUFACTURING & LOGISTICS

While manufacturing and logistics focus on automating and reducing waste, United Imaging Document Solutions can do the same for your paperwork. We have timesaving functions that aid in the fulfillment process, help with managing employee records, and even automate invoice processing. See how we can help keep your supply chain running smooth and efficient.

